First Bite

First Bite Criteria

Imagine a future where you get into a vehicle, and it takes you wherever you want to go autonomously, and you don’t have to worry about energy to power it because it’s available! We could go on forever (and we have) about the benefits of EV’s and L2 Charging for them. The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time so let’s give you more info on our current L2 First Bite criteria.

Multi-Family Dwellings/Apartment Living

We consider these types of living the reason why Emerge EV was formulated and it’s our focus. Each dwelling must have at least 3 residents with full Electric Vehicles to qualify for discounted or free L2 stations. We will install, maintain, and update 2 double pole stations (charge up to 4 vehicles at once) once prospective locations are under contract. The L2 stations can be side by side or directly across from each other. There is no build out of infrastructure cost for any dwelling in this category! We drop a separate electrical hookup so we’re in charge of the charge for the charger (sorry couldn’t resist). The residence will be able to conveniently “fuel up” for less while sleeping and go in the morning (or night) relieving range anxiety*. If you or your business qualify, please click here.  While we are savoring our First Bite it doesn’t mean that we don’t want to hear about your meal, contact us we want to know what you’re cooking up!

Installing Charges

Ok now we’re talking let’s get this done! What we do is install, maintain, update, and manage all L2 chargers and infrastructure that we put in place. This means zero cost to you as a property owner if you meet the First Bite criteria. These forms will allow us to further the process and get things rolling a little faster before we complete the site survey.


Property Address:

If more than one property meets the criteria, please note this after first initial contact.

Property Main Contact:

Must be able to answer business/cell phone during normal business hours during installation process.

Area of Install:

It’s very possible that the area may not suit where electrical hook-ups are located so this might have to move around a bit.

Start Date:

We make it a priority to complete what’s on our plate during the First Bite so projects that are ready tomorrow take top spot over one’s slated for weeks or months later.

EV Project Manager Agreement:

This is a simple agreement that makes Emerge EV your L2 project manager for all permits, signage etc. for the stations that we install. This agreement makes the process super smooth and easy and is hands off for existing project managers. We also can future proof your site allowing for up to 4 L2 chargers (charge up to 8 vehicles at once) if you allocate more parking spaces in the same location at the time of installation. Contact us for EV Project Manager Agreement.

Proof of Tenancy:

We need this to ensure that the chargers are going to be used regularly after installation. While we know people move your place is great, they aren’t going anywhere once you make it even greater! We’ll check the make and model of EV’s in your lot as we conduct early morning and late-night ride arounds before, during and after installation.

Get In Touch

If you have any issues or queries or facing any problems then you can simply leave us a message or call us our team will get back to you as soon as possible.