Multi-Family Dwellings/Apartment Living
We consider these types of living the reason why Emerge EV was formulated and it’s our focus. Each dwelling must have at least 3 residents with full Electric Vehicles to qualify for discounted or free L2 stations. We will install, maintain, and update 2 double pole stations (charge up to 4 vehicles at once) once prospective locations are under contract. The L2 stations can be side by side or directly across from each other. There is no build out of infrastructure cost for any dwelling in this category! We drop a separate electrical hookup so we’re in charge of the charge for the charger (sorry couldn’t resist). The residence will be able to conveniently “fuel up” for less while sleeping and go in the morning (or night) relieving range anxiety*. If you or your business qualify, please click here. While we are savoring our First Bite it doesn’t mean that we don’t want to hear about your meal, contact us we want to know what you’re cooking up!